We planted a 2.5-foot eucalyptus tree some years ago and it's now about as tall as a 2-story house. Within the last year, it has almost died and we can't figure out why. It's turned brown, droopy and dry. We water it, I've fertilized it and even bought some anti-fungus tree stuff to see whether it would help. It now appears to be on its last lets. What is happening and how can we fix it? |
It is really difficult to diagnose a problem without seeing it so I can only offer some educated guesses. Borers can damage eucalyptus trees so inspect the trunk and limbs for tiny holes. Overly wet or soils that do not drain well can also cause the browning leaf and overall poor health of the tree. When soil doesn't drain well, the roots of your eucalyptus can suffocate. Eucalyptus generally does not contract fungal diseases but there is a thrip that spreads disease in eucalyptus trees. One of the symtoms includes white dots on the undersides of the leaves. Check everything thoroughly for symptoms or signs of insects and diseases. If you still come up empty handed, talk with your local cooperative extension office. There may be a new insect or disease in your region that's affecting eucalyptus trees. Best wishes with your tree! |