trumpet vine - Knowledgebase Question

Mikado, Mi
Avatar for maclam
Question by maclam
April 19, 2009
My trumptet aine grows well but does not flower.It has plenty of sun and is four years old.

Answer from NGA
April 19, 2009
Individual specimens of trumpet vine or Campsis radicans can take a few years to settle in and begin blooming although some plants will bloom the first year; it is unpredictable that way. The plant does prefer a full sun location and will bloom the best there. It blooms on new wood of the season so winter die back is not necessarily a problem -- many gardeners trim this vine back very hard in late winter or early spring to stimulate new growth and additional blooms. Do not prune it during spring or summer though, because this would remove blooming wood. Finally, make sure you are not overfertilizing it, an over supply of nitrogen could cause an excess of foliage growth at the expense of flowering. I hope this helps you evaluate your plant. Maybe this will be the year it blooms for you.

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