Container Gardening-When to plant? - Knowledgebase Question

Lakewood, Co
Avatar for amwilliamsco
Question by amwilliamsco
April 20, 2009
I live in Lakewood,CO-I am going to container garden veggies & herbs-when do I plant the following? I will be planting starter plants from the nursery..Tomatoes-Peppers-Yellow Squash-Zucchini-Green Onions-Chives-& Herbs? Also-How large/wide of a container do I need to use for these veggies? Can I plant several herb plants in same container? Thanks for any help-this is a fantastic tool!

Answer from NGA
April 20, 2009
You can plant several herbs in a single container but you will want to give your tomatoes, peppers, and squash their own containers. Five gallon containers are adequate for tomatoes; three gallon for peppers and squash; one to two gallon containers for onions and herbs. You can plant your starter plants as soon as they are available from the garden center - but be prepared to cover them if frost is predicted. Enjoy your new garden!

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