Mixed Border - Knowledgebase Question

Glen Ellyn, Il
Avatar for tlapakud
Question by tlapakud
April 22, 2009
I have a bed approx. 3 ft x 10 ft by my red front door. It is right next to my black asphalt driveway and half is under the shade of a large magnolia tree. One half is very sunny and hot while the other is mostly shade. I would like to plant all the same flowers through the entire bed that goes with the red door. Any suggestions on what flowers will work well in both types of light?

Answer from NGA
April 22, 2009
The growing bed will be very difficult to plant - most sun and heat tolerant plants will grow in the shade but they won't flower well and most shade loving plants will melt in the hot sunshine. I don't have any plants to suggest for such growing conditions. You may want to rethink your plan and put different plants with similar flower colors in the bed. For instance impatiens, pansies or lobelia love shade and sunloving plants with similar colors can be grown in the sun. Wish I had some more ideas for you. You will just have to experiment until you find the right combination.

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