Planting Bulbs - Knowledgebase Question

layton, Ut
Avatar for liliam3zetin
Question by liliam3zetin
April 23, 2009
I want to know how can i plant bulbs?

Answer from NGA
April 23, 2009
Choose a location that receives ample sunlight and does not retain too much water. Too much moisture will cause the bulbs to rot. Preparing the soil before planting your tulips will provide an extra boost in their health and beauty. Soil should be worked and loosened well. Try to work a depth of at least six inches of soil. Compost, peat moss, bone meal or fertilizers designed for bulbs can be added while working the soil to promote growth. Plant your tulips approximately four or five inches into the soil. Light soil and exceptionally frigid climates may require you to plant your bulbs slightly deeper. Bulbs should be planted at least six inches apart. The wide base of the bulb should always be planted facing down. After you have planted your bulbs, lightly pack the soil on top of them and give them a light watering. If winters are especially cold in your region, a light covering of mulch may be beneficial. Otherwise, little winter maintenance is necessary. Hope this information is helpful!

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