I have a small patio at my apartment and looking for some suggestions for plants that will grow in hot Texas weather. Patio is shaded most of the day but does receive a few hours of direct, hot sun. Thanks for the help! |
You can grow lots of perennials in your containers. Here are a few suggestions: Aquilegia chrysantha Hinckleyana (Hinkley's Columbine), Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (Ox-eye Daisy), Coreopsis grandiflora (Tickseed Coreopsis), Crocosmia pottsii (Montbretia), Cuphea micropetala (Cigar Plant), Lantana montevidensis (Trailing Lantana), Phlox paniculata (Perennial Phlox), Salvia Greggii ( Autumn Sage), and Mexican marigold. There are many others you can try. Enjoy! |