Oak Sapplings in yard - Knowledgebase Question

Ballwin, Mi
Avatar for tclauf
Question by tclauf
April 28, 2009
I have a pretty big problem with my back yard. I have an old oak tree and last year my usually beautiful lawn turned into a mimi forest of oak sapplings. I mowed them over and over and hoped that that would have killed them off. It is now time to mow again and we have noticed that the little oak sapplings are growing just as fast as the grass. How can I get rid of them without killing the grass?

Answer from NGA
April 28, 2009
Some trees produce more suckers than others, especially if the tree is under stress. There's nothing you can apply to the suckers to kill them off that will not adversely affect the tree itself, so mowing them down is your best approach, or hand pulling them from the underground roots. Wish I had more solutions, but there really are none. Sorry!

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