Gardenia - Knowledgebase Question

Ashburn, Vi
Avatar for jackieschwor
Question by jackieschwor
April 30, 2009
I bought a gardenia from Home Depot. The leaves have fallen off and it looks dead but I can see some growth. Will it come back? I live in NoVA.

Answer from NGA
April 30, 2009
I think your gardenia is showing signs of stress after being planted in your yard. It will overcome this stress and grow healthy new leaves in a few weeks. To keep your gardenia happy and healthy, here are a few guidelines: Like many other tropical bloomers, gardenias need lots and lots of light. If possible, avoid the direct afternoon sun during the hottest part of our summer. Morning sun and afternoon shade is best. The soil gardenias are planted in need to stay evenly moist. Water deeply once or twice a week to make them happy. Feed gardenias every two or three weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer such as Miracle-Gro. Other than removing spent blooms, gardenias don't require much grooming. If they get too large or open, prune for shape. An occasional shower will clean off the leaves. Hope this answers all your questions!

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