Over the past 5 years I have been trying to revive my honeysuckel that had been trellessed.The plant is approximately 10 years old and was here when we bought our home. Every year it was getting that powery mold and was getting eaten up by bugs...I tried insecticidal soaps etc but nothing worked. I totally cut it down intending to replant a wisteria vine in its place..will this work? |
You can replace it or you can cut it back almost to ground level every spring. This will remove the old foliage and stems and encourge lots of new flowering stems to grow. Try cutting it way back this spring and watch how it behaves. I think you'll see lots of flowers and very little powdery mildew this year. If you don't like the way it grows after being cut back, go ahead and replace it. I think it deserves at least one more chance to show you how beautiful it can be. Best wishes with your garden! |