shrubs that will come back - Knowledgebase Question

Brandon, So
Avatar for terrygille
Question by terrygille
May 1, 2009
i am interested in putting in some rhododendren and would like to know exactly how they would do in the cold? Also are there some that stay small in size?

Answer from NGA
May 1, 2009
Rhododendrons are not as cold hardy as they need to be for your gardening region but there are lots of shrubs you can choose from:
Berberis sp. Barberries, Caragana sp. Siberian Pea shrubs, Cornus sp. Dogwood,
Deutzia sp. Deutzias, Forsythia sp. Forsythias, Lonicera sp. Honeysuckles,
Philadelphus sp. Mockoranges, Spiraea x arguta Garland spirea, Spiraea xi vanhouttei Vanhouttee spirea, Syringa sp. Lilacs, Viburnum sp. Viburnums, Wiegela sp. Wiegela. All will return each spring and most will flower in spring or in summer. Enjoy!

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