Info on Foxgloves, Hardy Lillies and Keylime Coralbell - Knowledgebase Question

kalamazoo, MI
Avatar for dfgquilter
Question by dfgquilter
May 6, 2009
Hi,,,, I have several questions and need your help.
1. Are all Foxgloves biennials? or are some perenials?
What is the easiest way to grow them?
I would love to have perennials if there is such a thing. If not, how do I grow biennials? Do I collect the seeds each fall? Do they grow from seed easily?

2. I have some hardy lillies that are too crowded in with other plants. I would like to dig them up and replant them. When should I do this?

3. I have a Keylime coral bell that isnt doing well. What do they need? I would hate to lose it.

Thanks so much for your help. I REALLY appreciate it! Dorian

Answer from NGA
May 6, 2009
There are both biennial and perennial type foxgloves. Both will grow in full sun to part shade in rich, moist soils. Biennial foxgloves grow vegetatively the first year and flower the second year. You can collect seeds when the seed heads are brown and hard, or you can just allow the ripe seeds to fall from the plant onto the soil beneath. They will sprout the next spring.

Lilies can be dug and replanted after frost has killed the tops down and the bulbs are dormant.

Coral bell plants can suffer from sunscald if they are exposed to harsh afternoon sunshine. If yours is, you might want to move it to another garden spot. Find one with morning sun and afternoon shade and water your plant once or twice a week to help promote new growth.

Good luck with your garden!

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