knockout rose - Knowledgebase Question

indianapollis, In
Avatar for johngibson2
Question by johngibson2
May 9, 2009
just purchased above at Indianapolis store. Plant container said

Answer from NGA
May 9, 2009
Sorry you've been having so much trouble finding information on your new Knock Out Roses! Knock Out is a shrub rose that grows about 3 feet tall and wide. It produces terminal clusters of single, 3-inch diameter blooms. As long as it continues to grow through the summer, it will continue to bloom. Some claim it?s one of the longest blooming roses on the market. The downside is that i is not well suited for use as a cut flower and the blooms only have a light tea rose fragrance.

Knock Out Roses can be grown in almost every climate and are hardy to zone 5. These roses are generally self cleaning and don?t even need to be pruned unless you want to maintain a smaller shape than their average 3 x 3 foot size. They will take full sun to part sun (minimum 4 hours) and grow in average to amended soils. They need deep watering once a week and a spring or early summer application of rose food or general purpose garden fertilizer such as a 10-10-10. Knock Out roses are generally disease resistant.

Hope this answers all your questions!

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