Wisteria - Knowledgebase Question

Portland, Or
Avatar for drsv
Question by drsv
May 22, 2009
How do you propeigate to get a new start?

Answer from NGA
May 22, 2009
There are several ways to propagate wisteria: seeds, cuttings, and grafts.

You can take soft stem cuttings in later summer; dip them rootone and plant in sand, perlite, vermiculite or a mixture of all three. Keep moist and when you see signs of new growth you?ll know there are some roots. Not all cultivars will root or be true to the cultivar. Wisteria will bloom 2-3 yrs from stem cuttings-better than 10 yrs. when started from seed.

Another method is by digging out suckers and or roots. The roots will produce a true cultivar. You can also try layering - which is done by covering part of a one year old stem that has been bruised with soil and leaving the shoot tip above the soil line. This will take as long as a year and produce the same plant. When the plant develops new roots you can sever the stem from the main plant and transplant it.

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