We never get to eat our apples as they are unedible from some kind of desease, as soon as the tree finish flowering there are small black stuff or or mould or bugs on all the leaves and fruits and although there are plenty of apples all of them become shriveled and distorted. Can you kindly help with some advice? |
Your apples probably have a disease called apple scab, which is one of the most common diseases of apple and crabapple in the United States. Is caused by the fungus, Venturia inaequalis. Management of apple scab involves a combination of steps: planting resistant varieties, raking and destroying fallen leaves infected with the scab fungus, pruning apple trees in late winter to "open" the canopy, and using fungicide sprays. The most important time to apply fungicides for scab control is from April to early June. Since many fungicides are protectants, it is important to maintain adequate coverage of expanding leaves to significantly reduce spring infections. Three or four sprays every 7 to 10 days may be needed to provide this protection. There are a number of general purpose fruit sprays that contain fungicides effective against apple scab in home orchards. Be sure to apply according to label directions. Good luck with your apple trees. |