Rhododendron - Knowledgebase Question

north berwick, Ma
Avatar for patmother4da
Question by patmother4da
June 3, 2009
My Rodoendrons grow but do nort produce any flowers. THey are plantd in partial shade and in acid soil.Thank you

Answer from NGA
June 3, 2009
Non-blooming may result from one or a combination of the following:
The plant is too young;
Winter injury and cold injury in other seasons may have killed flower buds. When plants harden-off incompletely in early autumn, early fall frosts may kill the buds. In this condition, the buds will also be killed by sudden cold spells in November and December. During the first warm days of spring, temperature hardiness is quickly lost by flower buds as they break dormancy. A severe frost following this loss of dormancy can cause the flower or parts of the flower to die;
The plant has insufficient sunlight; Vegetative growth is excessive.; A normal off year occurs in some plants; some bloom heavily one year, lightly the next, and heavily again a third year; Seeds were allowed to develop the previous year. Seed heads should be removed after flowering; Pruning was done after flower buds formed in summer. The shrub should be pruned within four to six weeks after flowering.

Hope this information helps you determine just what the problem might be!

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