Every year I get sopts on my rose bushes and then the leaves drop off. It spreads so fast! I had some rose bush spray before and can't remember what type. I bought Spetracide 3-in-1 insect & disease control and sprayed on Tuesday and by Sunday there were spots all over the plant. Did I use the right kind of product? How can I get rid of this in the soil (if that is where it comes from) Help |
Spectracide Immunox? 3-in-1 Insect & Disease Control Plus Fertilizer has a list of plants that the product is safe to use on and roses are on the list. There may be cautions, though, about how much to spray, temperature restrictions, or even whether or not to spray the foliage in hot afternoon sunshine. Double check the label and read the exact application instructions to make sure you applied it correctly. There's not much you can do about the damaged leaves. The good news is that the old leaves will eventually drop off and the new growth should be healthy. Best wishes with your roses. |