Hi, I want to grow a new lawn. How do i start up and when is the good time to put in seeds? |
Sow your new lawn in mid-August to mid-September (around Labor Day). Annual weeds do not have time to produce a crop of seed, and the grass has the entire fall and the early spring to become established before the heat and stress of summer. Bring soil to a very fine granular condition and remove all clods, sod, rocks and trash during final surface preparation. Settle loose soil with a light rolling. Adjust the weight of the roller so that only your sole prints appear on the soil surface. If soil is not firm or is not fine-textured, seed will migrate deeply into it and the seedlings won?t emerge. For even coverage and seeding, sow half the seed in one direction and the other half at right angles to the first. Do this by hand or with a mechanical seeder. Lightly rake and roll to incorporate the seed into the soil, but don?t bury them more than 1/4 inch. Use organic mulch hold moisture, reduce erosion and hasten germination. Be sure to apply it evenly and no thicker than 3/8 inch. For a healthy lawn, mow twice a week and don?t catch the clippings. Mowing frequently enough to remove only 1/3 of the grass blade eliminates the need to catch clippings. Instead, allow them to decompose on the lawn to return nitrogen to the soil. Clippings don't cause thatch! Keep mower blades sharp to avoid tearing the blade and the whitish cast to the lawn that results from it. Hope this information helps you plant a healthy lawn. |