We planted tomatoes and now they are starting to bloom. As they begin to get tomatoes the plant starts dying from the ground up. What would cause this? Also my husband did fertilize around them and has watered them every day. |
I can't tell without looking at the plants, but they may have developed a disease, or you may be overwatering. Daily watering is a little too often. When you keep the soil too wet it can actually suffocate the roots - they need oxygen as well as moisture. Tomato plants in the ground need to be deeply soaked once or twice a week, depending upon weather. Soak the soil, then wait 3-4 days and dig down into the soil to see how moist it is. If it is still damp one inch beneath the soil surface, you won't have to water for a few days. If it is dry, it's time to water. I don't know if correcting your watering practices will allow your plants to recover or if you'll need to get new plants. I hope yours recover! |