Tomatoes - Knowledgebase Question

Spanaway, Wa
Avatar for ragetz
Question by ragetz
June 26, 2009
what kind of fertilizer should I use for tomatoes?

Answer from NGA
June 26, 2009
Tomatoes are heavy feeders but too much nitrogen can result in burn, or in lots of green growth at the expense of flowering and fruit. Use a 5-10-10 fertilizer and side dress with about 1-1/2 tablespoons per plant spread in a one-inch-deep circular furrow five to six inches away from the stem, usually right under the drip line of the plant. Be careful not to get any of this fertilizer on the leaves or stem because it will burn them. Cover the fertilizer with one to two inches of soil. The next rain or watering will start carrying the nutrients down into the root zone of the plants.

Hope you have a great harvest!

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