My daylilies flowered for a short period of time. The new blossoms are hard and not blooming. |
Daylilies (Hemerocallis) never bloom long enough to suit us! Unfortunately, most daylilies bloom over a fairly short period of time, averaging perhaps two weeks. The length of time can vary widely depending on the age of the plant, the general cultural conditions, the weather, and the variety you are growing. After blooming, the plants occasionally form seed pods which may be the "hard" buds you are seeing now. If yours are of a reblooming variety, they may cycle back into bloom one or more times this summer. To improve the garden appearance of the plants, you may wish to remove the spent blooms daily and then, when all of the blooms are finished on a stem (scape) remove it by cutting it close to the base. This will also encourage the plants to direct their energy into replenishing themselves rather than forming seeds. This is especially helpful for the reblooming types. Rebloomers also appreciate an adequate supply of nutrients and moisture all through the growing season, as well as more frequent division, perhaps as often as every other year. If your daylilies have been in the ground for more than five years, or have become crowded, this might also explain the apparently short bloom season. Isn't it a shame the daylilies don't bloom all summer long? Maybe the hybridizers will come up with one soon. |