Blooms and blossoms - Knowledgebase Question

Bolivia, No
Avatar for jthorn5656
Question by jthorn5656
July 20, 2009
I have 20 crape myrtles and five different kinds of tomato plants, Are crepe myrtles trees, flowers or shrubs? I have had them for three years now and none have blossomed. My tomato plants are growing fine bu bo blossoms, Please advise.

Jim Horn

Answer from NGA
July 20, 2009
Lagerstroemia, commonly known as Crape-myrtle, is a genus of around 50 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs native to the Indian subcontinent, southeast Asia, northern Australia and parts of Oceania. So the short answer is that they are both trees and shrubs, depending upon the cultivar. All crape myrtles flower on new growth and all need sunshine. You can try pruning them in the early spring to encourage lots of new, and hopefully flowering growth.

Tomato plants like warm summer days but if the weather is too hot and humid they will not flower and set fruit. The only thing you can do is keep your plants healthy and when the weather conditions are just right, they will flower and fruit for you. Enjoy!

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