I received a pot with various plants in it which requires different care. In this pot there is Calla Lily, Palm Chamaedorea elegans, Ivy Asterick and Tree Ivy Pia. I want to plant the calla lily to a different pot since it requires more watering than the rest. How do I do this? how big of a pot should I use? how much soil and how deep must I plant the calla lily's roots? |
Calla lilies should perform well in your, especially if they're planted in a shady area (morning sun is okay, but afternoon shade is a must), in rich, moist soil. Calla's thrive on heavy watering so soak the soil every few days to keep it moist. Don't cut the foliage back, but let it yellow on its own. Callas go into a dormant period after blooming so if you water less frequently beginning late summer, the foliage will die back and the roots can rest. After the tops die down you can dig your calla and replant it into its own container. Use one that is 8-12" deep. Calla Lilies need to be planted deeply for their size. Plant them at a depth of 4 inches. New shoots will develop from the crowns of the plants when they've finished resting. The easiest way to feed your calla's is to mulch the plants with 1"-2" of aged-compost. As the organic matter decomposes, it will provide nutrients to your plants. |