Tomatoes Cracking - Knowledgebase Question

Syracuse, NY
Avatar for rrbayne
Question by rrbayne
July 15, 1998
I have planted tomatoes this year and unfortunatly I can't remember what kind they are. However some of the plants are producing good fruit and bad fruit both. The tomatoes are getting brown and cracking while they are green. I have been planting for 16 years and have never seen this. It has been very rainy in central NY the past two weeks and now it has gotten very very hot. I have the plants on raised beds and the beds are covered with black plastic that has been ventilated. I used Miracle Gro on them all when they were planted on Memorial Day weekend. Can you help?

Answer from NGA
July 15, 1998
It sounds like your tomatoes are suffering from growth cracks. The cracks often appear during hot rainy spells when the fruits grow very fast. (Another cause is a rainy period following a very dry period during the ripening season.) Basically, the insides grow so fast they burst the skins.

Sometimes small cracks will heal over, sometimes not. Others times the cracks serve as an entry point for infection, which is apparently what is happening to yours so you may wish to remove and destroy the cracked tomatoes. Some varieties are more resistant to cracking than others, so perhaps that is why you have never seen it before.

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