backyard land erosion - Knowledgebase Question

Jonesboro, Ge
Avatar for sw2007
Question by sw2007
August 10, 2009
What can I do for my backyard, that's not expensive for land erosion, the ground is cracking there a ground coverage that I can use to save my backyard..

Answer from NGA
August 10, 2009
There are many plants you could use ranging from the traditional groundcovers such as English ivy, Ajuga, Pachysandra and Vinca minor (periwinkle) to perennials such as creeping thyme, small sedums and hostas, smaller daylilies (Hemerocallis), golden moneywort (Lysimachia nummumlaria "Aurea") or creeping phlox (phlox subulata). Your selection will depend on several factors such as amount of sun and what time of day it is sunny, soil type and average soil moisture levels, wind exposure, and the amount of water moving on the slope as well as whether or not you want flowering, or prefer an evergreen, and so on. I would suggest you work with your local nursery staff to analyze the growing conditions where you need to plant this and identify plants that would thrive there, then select the one(s) you like best from among those. Good luck with your project!

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