What shrub(s) would you recommend for an area that gets little direct sun and could withstand central Florida's winters? |
Some of the most highly recommended shrubs for shady spots in central Florida include Buxus microphylla (Japanese Boxwood), Gardenia augusta 'Radicans' (prostrate gardenia), Ilex vomitoria ('Nana' dwarf yaupon holly), Mahonia fortunei (Fortune's mahonia), Aucuba japonica (Aucuba), Erythrina herbacea (Cherokee bean), Hydrangea macrophylla (Hydrangea), Loropetalum chinense (Loropetalum), Camellia sasanqua (Sasanqua), Illicium parviflorum (Anise), Pittosporum tobira (Pittosporum), and Ternstroemia gymnanthera (Japanese cleyera). Hope one of these is just right for your landscape. |