Low Maintenance Plants - Knowledgebase Question

Fort Wayne, In
Avatar for cheyenneeagl
Question by cheyenneeagl
August 24, 2009
What is the best perrinials one can plant that need little maintainance, yet is hardy and beautiful?

Answer from NGA
August 24, 2009
Here is a list of the most popular perennials for your gardening region: Most of these perennials prefer well lit and well drained spots to do their best. Keep them well fed and watered during dry spells and they will reward you in return. It is important to get the best show and re-bloom from all perennials to remove the spent blooms as quickly as possible. Agastache "Blue Fortune"- Compact habit, 2-3'. Selected for its profusion of long lasting, deep blue flower spikes, that appear from July to September. Fragrant hyssop foliage. Prefers average dry locations. This is a butterfly magnet! Good drainage is needed for all agastache. Aster X frikarti "Moench" is a long blooming (June- Oct.) blue aster that reaches 24-30". Chrysanthemum leucanthemum "Becky"- Long living 30-36" Shasta Daisy. Large white daisies with yellow centers bloom in June and July over sturdy dark green foliage. Sun- Part Shade. Coreopsis vert. "Moonbeam", this 18" thread leaf type has pale yellow flowers all summer long. C. vert. "Zagreb" is another long blooming thread leaf type, this has a more compact habit(15") and clear yellow flowers. Sun. Echinacea purpurea- Coneflowers like sun and average to dry soils. "Magnus- Rose-pink form(3?). "Bright Star"- This 2-3' long lived perennial has rose-pink daisy-like flowers from July to September. Good butterfly attractor. "White Swan"- A white flowering form of "Bright Star". Hemerocallis- "Happy Returns"- 3 1/2" clear lemon yellow flowers start in mid May and repeat until September. "Pardon Me"- Wine red 2 3/4" flowers start mid-late season and rebloom on 18" scapes. One of the longest blooming daylilies. "Stella D'Oro"- 2 3/4" slightly fragrant golden yellow flowers on a 18" scape, this 16" plant blooms from early mid season on. Sun- part shade. Deer Love it!!! Nepeta- The Catmints bloom all summer and are of no interest to cats. They prefer a well drained, sunny location. N. Walker?s Low"(2?) is a prolific bloomer with bluish purple flowers April to Oct. N. siberica "Souvenir D?Andre Chaudron" is a hardy selection(2-4?) with blue flowers for most of the summer. Rudbeckia- Black-eyed Susans or Coneflowers like sun to part shade areas with good drainage. Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida- Smaller flowers than "Goldstrum" but longer blooming, going from mid-July to October. 2-2.5? with shiny green foliage. Rudbeckia fulgida "Goldsturm"- One of the best varieties, large deep yellow daisy-like flowers with a black cone center in July- September on nicely branched 2' plant. Salvia nemerosa "Blue Hill"- True blue flowers from June to September. Compact habit to 15" and very floriferous. S. N. "Snow Hill"- White form. S. vertcillata "Purple Rain"- This new salvia is covered lush, smoky purple flower spikes from June- Sept.. Reaching 24", it is happy in full sun or part shade. Sedum Most like sun and well drained areas."Autumn Joy"- Pink rounded flower clusters begin in July and change to red by Sept. and Oct. Loves hot and dry spots(2'-3'). sieboldii-Silver blue scalloped foliage with clusters of light pink flowers in late Sept. and Oct. Enjoy your garden!

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