i live in fayetteville,nc. the leaves on my peace lily are turning brown. i keep it out of direct sun light and water often. do i need a special plant food? walter |
This plant is fairly easy to care for. For best results it should be grown in a spot with bright but indirect light. In lower light it tends not to bloom. It also tends not to bloom if underfertilized. To feed it, use a water soluble fertilizer for foliage plants at the lower rate on the label, use it from spring to fall and stop for the winter. Do not overfertilize, use the lower amount on the label. The brown tips could be due to dry air (use a humidifier or set it on a tray of pebbles filled with water) or possibly due to mineral buildup in the soil. You can leach out any buildup by watering heavily, allow excess to drain out, then water heavily again in quick succession and allow the excess to drain out. Empty the saucer. Do this about three times a year. Also empty the saucer under the plant of any excess water any time you water. Brown tips can also happen if the plant is allowed to wilt between waterings. Water frequency depends on the environment where the plant is growing and how large the plant is in relation to the pot. Repotting would be done if the plant wilts very soon after watering due to having outgrown the container. Move it up to the next largest size container and use a good quality soilless potting mix formulated for container plants. Try to match the texture of the new soil to that of the old soil. Any browned foliage can be trimmed off neatly. I hope this helps! |