hydrangeas not blooming - Knowledgebase Question

normal, Il
Avatar for judegal3
Question by judegal3
August 28, 2009
I have a large hydrangea bush, looks very healthy but has not bloomed in three yrs. I have fed, cleared out dead parts in late fall, its partially in the shade, but has bloomed beautifull in the past, what can I do to get it to bloom?

Answer from NGA
August 28, 2009
Hydrangeas need at least 4 hours of direct sunshine in order to bloom well. Since you are doing everything else right I wonder if the shade has become more pronounced during the last three years? You might try limbing up the trees or shrubs that shade your hydrangea, or consider moving it to a different spot next spring. Find a site with direct morning sunshine and it should bloom well for you. Hope so!

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