My Schefflera's are around 8' tall, and I would like to cut them back to about 2' or 3'. At this level though, they are all stalk with no foliage growing out of that area. Can it be done so I have a smaller, bushier plant than a tall, leggy looking plant? If I cut them back to the above sizes, without air layering, will they sprout new growth or most likely die? |
Sounds as though your Schefflera has reached its mature height. There's no guarantee that the plant will produce new leaves after you've beheaded it, but it's possible it will put out new growth. To hedge your bet, why not try rooting the top? You can plant it at the base of the old plant (to help disguise the bare stem), or start it in its own pot. Just cut most of the stem off, leaving 6"-8" with the top leaves attached. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone and place it into moistened potting soil. Good luck with your project! |