Fruit Trees - Knowledgebase Question

Indianapolis, In
Avatar for beebe128
Question by beebe128
September 3, 2009
I have apple and peach trees in my garden. For the past several years the fruit has been wormy. I have new peach trees to plant. How should I treat the soil before planting? Is there a product on the market that can help?

Answer from NGA
September 3, 2009
Fruit trees are usually put on a regular spray schedule to control disease and insect pests. If you are not routinely spraying your trees in the late winter/early spring, you may want to begin a spray program. Bonide fruit tree spray is a product you might consider. Be sure to read and apply according to label directions. Or you can contact your local extension service for a brochure on fruit tree spraying. There's nothing you need to do to the soil prior to planting your new peach trees. Just dig a hole as deep but slightly wider than the nursery container and plant each tree, backfilling around the roots with the soil you took out of the hole. Water well and by next spring they should be established and ready to grow. Enjoy!

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