How to for "Dug Edging" - Knowledgebase Question

Dallas, Ge
Avatar for mrdonhunter
Question by mrdonhunter
September 5, 2009
I really don't care to use wood, plastic, or metal edging. My plan is to create a nice curve that frames the front of the house and around the front walkway. What's the proper technique for creating/maintaining a well-defined edge?

Answer from NGA
September 5, 2009
The simplest type of garden edging is a shallow trench cut at a lawn's edge. To keep lawn from encroaching into a flower bed, you'll need to periodically slice down between the lawn and the bare soil in the trench with your shovel to sever any rhizomes that try to creep into the trenched area. It's high maintenance, but can look natural and neat.

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