soil type - Knowledgebase Question

salton city, Ca
Avatar for devilspharma
Question by devilspharma
September 11, 2009
I just bought a Rosenka Bougainvillea, I did some research at it say it can do well in containers, can you advise what type of soil and how to care for it. thank you

Answer from NGA
September 11, 2009
I highly recommend the use of regular potting soil for all plants in containers. It is lightweight, drains well, yet holds just the right amount of moisture. Garden soil can become hard packed and difficult to moisten when it is in a container, so go with a good brand of potting soil and your new bougainvillea should thrive. Give it lots of sunshine and water when the top of the soil begins to dry out. Prune it back after it has finished flowering and it will respond with lots of new growth and lots of new flowers. Don't feed your bougainvillea or it will develop rampant growth and very few flowers. Enjoy your new plant!

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