Ginkgo Tree Stinks - Knowledgebase Question

Independence, KS
Avatar for rswittum
Question by rswittum
August 8, 1998
I planted a Ginkgo tree this spring that is doing great. Now, I'm worried; a friend of mine said they were nice BUT they have a horrible smelling pod on them. Thought I would ask you all about this before I moved it away from my deck area.

Answer from NGA
August 8, 1998
Ginkgo trees are either male or female. Only the female trees make the stinky fruits (and yes, they really do smell awful for about two weeks a year). Most of the ginko trees in commerce are supposed to be male; unfortunately, it takes about 15 or 20 years before the plant is mature enough to fruit if it is going to. Frankly, I don't think it's worth moving it if it is doing well, but you might feel differently about it.

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