Are they dead? - Knowledgebase Question

Greenville, Al
Avatar for marcycook200
Question by marcycook200
October 10, 2009
I brought 14 Leyland cypress shrubs in May, and 2 of them have turned brown in the centers. They continue to grow but are they dying.Also what do I fertilize them with?

Answer from NGA
October 10, 2009
Feed your cypresses with an 8-8-8 slow release evergreen fertilizer each spring. Browning centers can indicate a spidermite infestation. Take a piece of white paper, hold it near the center of the tree and tap hard on the branches. Some debris will fall onto the paper. If it moves, you've got a population of spidermites. These tiny pests like dusty, dry places and often overtake evergreens if allowed. To discourage them, periodically hose off the plants, directing the spray towards the center where they like to live. If that seems ineffective, use an insecticidal soap to spray the plants, being thorough and following the directions on the label exactly. There are miticides that are available, but those tend to be strong chemicals, and are probably not necessary.

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