Moving to different zone - Knowledgebase Question

Lawrence, Ma
Avatar for gingemi
Question by gingemi
October 28, 2009
I have always lived in the New England and now I am at the time in my life I am retiring to Florida (Melbourne Area).
What type of plants will I be able to grow there that I love so much here in NE? Like Hydrangers..
I also love Veg. gardening and have heard that this area I can plant all year long... will I still be able to plant root veg. which grow in cooler climates along with leaf vegies?

Answer from NGA
October 28, 2009
Oh my goodness! You're going to be so pleased to learn that you can garden nearly year around in Florida! There are two major vegetable growing seasons: February and August. Here's a publication from the University of Florida to study before your move:
You can download a copy for future reference. There's another publication dealing with flowers and shrubs that should be helpful:

Be sure to take note of the suggestions for soil amendments. Most Florida soils are sandy, which means they drain quickly, but they don't hold nutrients or water very well. Amending the soil prior to planting with organic matter will address both these issues. I know you're going to love gardening in Florida. Hope you have a beautiful garden and a bountiful harvest!

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