Phlox - Knowledgebase Question

Webster, Te
Avatar for D_KPeach
Question by D_KPeach
November 15, 2009
went looking for them today. when can I find them. or what else can I plant in a sm plot for color dur/fall/winter?

Answer from NGA
November 15, 2009
The number one winter annual for our area is the pansy, Viola wittrockiana. The full range of colors is unrivaled in any season and coupled with continuous blooms from October through April, pansies form the ideal color bridge across the winter season from fall to spring. In cold tolerance and dependability of floral display, dianthus or garden pinks, Dianthus chinensis is every bit the pansy's equal. Dianthus forms mounds of tiny carnation-like blossoms in pure white and shades of light pink to deep red. Flowering cabbage and kale, sweet alyssum, and Chrysanthemums round out the list of "best bets" for winter color. Enjoy!

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