Flowers to Sow in Fall - Knowledgebase Question

Name: Jackie Corbin
Royersford, PA
Avatar for jcrobin838
Question by jcrobin838
August 18, 1998
I had much success with your Larkspur and Shirley Poppy seeds which I planted in the FALL. Are there any other annual seeds (or perennial) that I could plant then also?
Thoroughly enjoyed your seeds.

Answer from NGA
August 18, 1998
I'm glad to hear that Burpee Seeds performed well for you! There are lots of ornamentals you can start from seed in fall: in early fall, sow seed of achillea, coneflower, delphinium, rose campion, pansies; right before hard frost, sow calendula, and annual dianthus. Burpee sells seed for all of these.

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