Source for Species Tulips - Knowledgebase Question

Lexington, KY
Avatar for vstamper
Question by vstamper
August 24, 1998
I live in Kentucy and in our area tulips do O.K. for 2 - 3 years and then disappear. I understand that there are some
extra hardy groups titled Greigii and Kaufmanniana. Can you
give me the more common names of these types of tulips so I can know what to shop for?

Answer from NGA
August 24, 1998
You're not alone - most gardeners find that hybrid tulips don't last very long unless you put a LOT of work into them. Tulipa kaufmanniana and T. greigii are categorized as hybrids with the characteristics of species tulips. Species tulips are the new trend because they are dependable bloomers, and can be used for naturalizing areas because they sprad readily. You can find many, many varieties of both these species in the Daffodil Mart catalog (7463 Heath Trail, Gloucester, VA 23061, ph# 800/255-2852). Enjoy!

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