Potting Soil Recipe - Knowledgebase Question

Detroit, MI
Avatar for willstark
Question by willstark
August 26, 1998
What is a good recipe for potting mix?

Answer from NGA
August 26, 1998
Here are a couple of recipes for mixing your own soil-less potting mix:
1/2 cubic yard of sphagnum peat moss, 1/2 cubic yard of vermiculite, 5 pounds dolomitic limestone, 1 pound superphosphate, 2 pounds 5-10-5 fertilizer. If you're an organic gardener, try: 16 quarts of sphagnum peat moss, 16 quarts of vermiculite, 7 ounces bone meal, 3 1/2 ounces dried blood meal, and 3 1/2 ounces ground limestone. Either of these mixtures work well in containers and pots of all sizes and kinds, and will help your plants grow and thrive.

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