What am I doing wrong? - Knowledgebase Question

Sedro-Woollley, Wa
Avatar for famousjeffsm
Question by famousjeffsm
February 25, 2010
I keep trying to grow my herbs indoors, but as soon as I put the germinated seeds in the starter soil, They die before the come up. Am I putting them under lights too soon? Could it be temp or air flow?

Thank you kindly,
Tere Watkins

Answer from NGA
February 25, 2010
Herbs generally like warm temperatures and lots of light. If you're having trouble with them, try planting just beneath the soil surface in seed starting trays and keeping the soil moist but not soggy wet. After they sprout, put them under a source of artificial light (I use fluorescent shop lights) and keep the source of the light only 2" above the seedlings, moving the lights up as the seedlings growth. Keep the lights on 14-16 hours per day. When the seedlings develop 3 sets of leaves you can transplant them into individual pots. Handle them by the leaves rather than the stems. The stems are fragile and can be crushed if you pick the seedlings up by the stems. Plant them at the same soil level as they were growing before, water them well after transplanting to help settle the soil. Hope this information helps you grow healthy little herb plants.

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