I want rose in my backyard, So i want to know that which is the suitable time to plant the rose bud and what type of soil we need for that. i have a little slop in my backyard can i use that area for rose plant, because is more wet area in my garden. |
There are lots of roses to choose from! You can plant bareroot roses now (sold in plastic or cardboard packages with just a little potting soil around the roots) and you can plant roses in containers anytime in the spring or fall months. Some of the best roses for your region include: APRICOT NECTAR -- Bud ovoid (egg shaped); Flower PINK APRICOT COLOR, base golden, double, cupped, large (4 inch); Very Fragrant (fruity); Foliage glossy, dark; Growth vigorous and bushy. All American Rose Society Award, 1966. BELINDA'S ROSE -- Bud pointed. Flower ROSE PINK COLOR, double; Very Fragrant; Foliage dark and bluish green; Growth vigorous, upright and compact. This rose is available from nurseries which specialize in antique roses. CHRYSLER IMPERIAL -- Bud long, pointed; Flower DEEP RED COLOR, double (45 pedals), high-centered, large (5 inch); VERY fragrant; Foliage dark, semi-glossy; Growth is vigorous and compact. All American Rose Society Award 1953. DON JUAN -- CLIMBING or PILLARING(self supporting) rose; Bud ovoid (egg shaped); Flower VELVETY DARK RED COLOR, double (35 petals), cupped, large (5 inch); Very Fragrant; Foliage dark, glossy, leathery; 8 feet tall. DOUBLE DELIGHT -- Bud long, pointed to urn-shaped; Flower CREAMY WHITE BECOMING STRAWBERRY-RED, double bloom (40 petals), high centered, large (5 inch); Fragrant (spicy); Growth upright, spreading, bushy. All American Rose Society Award, 1977; Rose Fragrance Medal, 1986. FRAGRANT CLOUD -- Bud ovoid; Flower CORAL-RED BECOMING GERANIUM-RED COLOR, double (28 petals), well-formed, large (5 inch); Very Fragrant; Foliage dark, glossy; Growth vigorous and upright; Fragrance Medal 1969. GOLD MEDAL -- Bud ovoid (egg shaped), long pointed; Flower DEEP GOLDEN YELLOW SOMETIMES FLESHED ORANGE COLOR, double (38 pedals), classic shape, opening formal, spiraled; Fragrance (light tea); Foliage large, dark; Growth tall, upright, bushy. MISTER LINCOLN -- Bud urn-shaped; Flower DARK-RED COLOR, double flower (35 pedals), high-centered to cupped, large bloom (5 inch); Very Fragrant; Foliage leathery, dark; Growth vigorous. All American Rose Society Award 1965. QUEEN ELIZABETH -- Bud pointed; Flower MEDIUM PINK COLOR, double flower (38 petals), high-centered to cupped, large (4 inch) blooms borne singly and in clusters; Fragrant; Foliage dark, glossy, leathery; Growth very vigorous, upright and bushy. All American Rose Society Award, 1955. PRISTINE -- Bud long; Flower NEAR WHITE, SHADED LIGHT PINK COLOR, double flowered (28 petals), imbricated, large bloom (5 inch); Slightly Fragrant; Foliage very large and dark; Growth upright NEW DAWN -- CLIMBING rose; Bud pointed; Flower CAMEO-PINK FADING FLESH WHITE COLOR, double, large; Fragrant; Foliage dark and glossy. Roses have specific growing needs: Light - Roses need 8 or 10 hours of direct sun each day. Morning sun is essential, but light afternoon shade is tolerated and even beneficial in hot climates such as yours. Air - Good air movement helps the dew and rain to dry quickly, thus discouraging disease. Too much wind, however, can damage foliage in the summer and canes in the winter. Protect rose plantings in windy areas by shielding with a building, wall, fence, windbreak, or hedge. Drainage - Wet feet, especially in the winter, will be the death of roses. To check, dig a hole 18 inches deep and fill with water; it should empty within several hours. If another site is not available, improve drainage with tiling or raised beds. Soil - Very few of us have the perfect loamy soil garden books so often recommended. Luckily, roses are tolerant, and all soil types can be readily improved with organic matter. Peat moss is most commonly available, but other excellent choices include compost, leaf mold, dehydrated cow manure, or shredded bark. Also, remove any large rocks down 18 to 24 inches deep. Best wishes with your new rose garden! |
Roses are the beautiful and often fragrant flower, which is very commonly used in gardens. Imagine a beautiful rose blooming in your garden spreading its fragrance around your home. Rose plants are readily available in markets, you can buy a beautiful new rose plant from the market, but have you ever thought of making a new rose plant from its stem. It's very easy with just a little effort you can have a healthier rose plant blooming and that with no cost, its all about timing and technique. Rose will produce in the winter month so that the rose cutting can be potted in early summer or spring season. Spring is the time of the year when they are growing vigorously and the best time to take a cutting of a stem. But while choosing the stem to cut you have to look that it is neither brand new or fully matured stem. The thickness of the stem should be like a pencil. https://www.ritiriwaz.com/how-... ![]() |