What to plant above my retainig wall? - Knowledgebase Question

Salem, Or
Avatar for randy52
Question by randy52
March 13, 2010
Area above retaining wall up to neighbor's fence is appx. 6'and runs up from 45D to vertical.There is appx 1'of level ground at the bottom of the slope behind the retaining wall where I could add some top soil. 3 problems: Neighbor plays loud music outside, ground is pure clay & the hill is eroding into yard. What can I plant that will survive & offer some sound & erosion relief?

Answer from NGA
March 13, 2010
I think a groundcover to help slow erosion and then, towards the bottom of the slope, a row of evergreens to help muffle the sound. Some tall, uprights to consider are American arborvitaes and sky rocket junipers. Nandina (heavenly bamboo) might also work. As for groundcovers, Ajuga (carpet bugle) is fast growing, or vinca minor will work. You may find other plants in your garden center that appeal more to you. Happy hunting!

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