Many of the berries on the plants seem to be formed and red, but have this dehydrated (not plump) look to them. We have seen and picked two berries (small) that looked great and tasted great. What causes this? Should I leave them on the plants? Pick them to encourage other berries to grow? When picking the berries, what parts to I remove? Just the berry, leaving the stem? Thanks. |
It may be that you've planted the types of strawberry plants that produce small berries. Everbearing types usually produce lots of berries but they are much smaller than June bearing strawberries. Or, your plants may be overcrowded and competing for moisture and nutrients (or simply not getting enough water and fertilizer). Or, it could be their stage of maturity. Young plants don't produce well their first year. On the other hand, if they are 3 years old or older, they may need to be replaced with younger plants. Strawberries grow and produce best when the soil is moist but not soggy wet and you use a foliar fertilizer which helps keep them lush and green and producing well. Hope this information helps you determine just what's going on with your plants. |