lawn care - Knowledgebase Question

towson, Ma
Avatar for odinglf
Question by odinglf
March 25, 2010
I put down sod brought from Home depot 15 yrs. ago, it has always grown very fast and at uneven heights. Two (2) yrs. ago I deceided to kill the weeds in the lawn which turned out to be most of the lawn. In the summer I have a lawn but in the winter all I have is mud no lawn at all. What can I do to solve this problem? Thank you

Answer from NGA
March 25, 2010
It sounds as though the sod was a mixture of warm season and cool season grasses and the weed killer may have overwhelmed the cool season grasses. Late this summer, or in early fall, overseed with a cool season grass mixture such as bluegrass, fescues and perennial rye. It will green up during the cooler months and then die back in the warmer months. This should solve the problem. Good luck with your lawn.

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