Because of economy, I want to grow some veggies and maybe fruit this year. But need to do it in pots and maybe hanging stuff. Tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, melons, beans, strawberries and anything else possible in pots on deck. We live in an all sand area and cant afford to haul in soil for big garden. 1st yr so start small. Thank you, Keri |
Most vegetables will adapt to growing in containers and the general rule of thumb is a minimum of 8 hours sunlight for warm-season veggies such as tomatoes, squash and sunflowers. You will double your odds of a good harvest if you choose varieties bred for short-season regions. These plants require less heat to mature. Try Early Girl or Best Boy tomatoes, Jack-Be-Little or Lumina pumpkins, Sure Thing or Roly Poly Hybrid zucchini. You can also grow shade tolerant veggies such as lettuces, radishes and carrots if you have some afternoon shade on your deck. Fill the containers with potting soil rather than garden soil and be sure to check daily for water needs. Plants in containers tend to dry out quickly. Good luck with your garden! |