Hello, will you please tell me what color mulch compliments a red brick home w/ white trim? I also need suggestions on flower colors. My home is very plain looking w/ very few plants. I want it to |
I tend to prefer the natural color of bark nuggets or compost as mulch material. It contrasts nicely with the green leaves of plants and you really want the plants to be the stars of the garden. Have you considered growing white flowering roses? They'd make an awesome contrast to the bricks and bring out the color of the trim. Other suggestions include Blackeyed Susan 'Goldsturm' (Rudbeckia fulgida) with gold colored flowers. It's hardy, sun loving and drought resistant. Coneflower 'White Swan' or 'Magnus' (Echinacea purpurea) White or Purple Blooms, grows 12-24" tall and wide. Daylily ?Stella d'Oro? (Hemerocallis x hybrida) lots of colors to choose from. Gaura Lindheimer's (Gaura lindheimeri), white and pink flowers that look like Butterflies. This perennial will bloom throughout summer and fall. Lantana (Lantana camara) has yellow and pink flowers. This is the old fashioned hardy Lantana found in many country gardens. Covered all summer and fall with bright orange, pink and yellow flowers. Butterflies love this one and it's easy to grow. Ruellia 'Katie's Dwarf? (Ruellia brittoniana) is a durable perennial that blooms purple flowers all summer. Low growing, and can be divided after the first frost. Tolerates wet poor drained clay soil. Turk's Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus drummondii) with bright green foliage. It blooms red hearts May to November. Phlox ?John Fanick? (Phlox paniculata), hardy perennial with light pink flower with darker pink throats. Blooms all summer. Compact growth habit, dark green foliage, Tolerates heat, drought, and powdery mildew. Hope these suggestions are helpful. |