I have 2 shade trees and Plum tree and peach tree (that I just purchased at Home Depot)that have sucker shoots coming out at the soil like (more or less). I keep cutting them off my existing trees but they keep coming back,often bigger and badder than ever. How can I stop the tree from doing that. With the fruit trees it's below the graft so I really don't want to accept them. Thank you. |
Some trees just naturally send up suckers - fruit trees, especially. The usual advice is just to prune them off as soon as they appear. There is a product called Sucker Stopper that is supposed to eliminate the suckers but your mileage may vary. The instructions indicate you need to paint it on a stub of a sucker that you've recently cut off. It might be worth a try. In the meantime, keep cutting down the suckers as they appear. As your trees mature they will eventually stop sending up suckers from the roots. |