Roseum Elegans Rhododendron with Wavy Leaves - Knowledgebase Question

Knoxville, Te
Avatar for jason73
Question by jason73
April 9, 2010
This is a bush planted in Spring of 2009. It has great color but also has really wavy leaves all over. It's about 4' off the house facing due East, no sun after about 12-1ish. Should I be worried about this? link:

Answer from NGA
April 9, 2010
Nice photos! Roseum Elegans Rhododendron has distinctively wavy leaf margins and a slight twist to each leaf so what I'm seeing is normal and natural. However, your rhodie is getting leggy (bare stems at bottom of the plant) so after it has finished blooming prune it back a little to force new growth at the stems tips and at the bottom of the plant. If you prune immediately after flowering has finished your plant will spend the summer developing new growth and setting flower buds for next spring's floral display. Enjoy your garden!

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