Mexican Heather in Pots - Knowledgebase Question

Henderson, NC
Avatar for caaj
Question by caaj
October 10, 1998
I have had Mexican heather (Cuphea) in pots with other flowers that need to be put inside for the winter. The Mexican heather has grown, but not to big. My concern is the cold weather. Should I plant this heather outdoors, or leave them in the pots and take them inside?

Answer from NGA
October 10, 1998
As the name suggests, Mexican heather is native to Mexico and Guatemala, where they enjoy warm winters. These plants are not winter-hardy and should be kept in a coldframe or greenhouse where they won't be subjected to temperatures below 45F degrees. You can keep your Mexican heather indoors during the winter months, keep in a cool, but well-lit spot. In the early spring move it to a warmer spot and provide some direct sunlight each day. Pinch your plants back and water sparingly during the dead of winter, but increase water when you move it to a sunny spot. When the weather warms, you plants can go outdoors again.

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