Deer! - Knowledgebase Question

west chester, Pe
Avatar for vhrh1015
Question by vhrh1015
April 14, 2010
We are over-run with deer - I need to plant shrubs and shade plants/flowers that deer don't seem to love yet!!

Answer from NGA
April 14, 2010
Shade tolerant, deer resistant shrubs and perennials are few! But here are some of the best:
Andromeda bush (Pieris species) The most dependably deer proof shrub with white, pink or red spring bells; Boxwood (Buxus varieties) Tolerant, dense-growing and pest free and in an huge range of sizes and leaf forms; Grape holly (Mahonia aquifolium) Low, spreading plant with bronze-tinted winter foliage, clusters of yellow spring flowers and blue berries; Yew (Taxus x media) Rich green foliage, often with an attractive upright habit. Drought tolerant, and makes a good hedge; Sweet box (Sarcococca species) Small, highly scented spring flowers, with black berries. Perennials include Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea varieties) Tall spires with spotted flowers in purples, pinks and white and even primrose yellow; Hellebore (Helleborus species) The first perennials of the season, in an increasing range of attractive colors and forms; Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) Dainty white spring bells with an intoxicating fragrance; Monkshood (Aconitum species) Hooded blue flowers on tall spikes from mid summer into fall; Siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla) Forget-me-not flowers above heart-shaped foliage in green, silver or a combination of the two. Most ferns are also resistant to deer browsing.

Best wishes with your landscape.

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